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eCommerce Search Query Optimization for more relevant business traffic
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Search query optimization

It is vital for eCommerce businesses to ensure that their products are visible on search engines and not just on the storefront. For instance, when consumers need to buy Bluetooth headsets, they may either open eCommerce aggregators like Amazon/Flipkart or they may either search for the product directly on google search. Google search generates several pages of results each bearing a link to a Bluetooth headset apart from direct links to eCommerce sites. A business that has deployed good product search query optimization garners better & prime visibility than its competitors.

Search query optimization is a process in which the search queries are optimized with relevant keywords and phrases and are matched to the content uploaded on the specific page where the product is listed for trade. Usually, a search query has two parts:

  1. Keywords: These are the words that a user types into the search field to describe what they are looking for. This needs to match with the short or long-tail keyword incorporated with the content posted on the product’s webpage.
  2. Phrases: This is the additional part of the query that needs to be present along with the keyword for maximum optimization.

The roadmap NextWealth follows for search query optimization.

While optimizing search queries, certain things are of vital importance, below are a few steps pursued by NextWealth to enhance eCommerce product search relevance for businesses.

  1. Understanding the product for which the search query needs to be optimized along with information about its applications.
  2. A market audit is conducted to find the most relevant keywords and phrases combination that can increase the visibility and exposure of a specific product page on the search engine.
  3. Optimizing the search query by including a specific list of keywords and phrases while ensuring they are relevant to the product.

Why is site search important in eCommerce?

Apart from targeting the search engine to make the products visible to the target customers, NextWealth enables eCommerce businesses to exploit the search query optimization method by incorporating the most strategic and advanced eCommerce site search solutions.

Improved customer experience

A well-designed site search function allows customers to quickly and easily find the products that they are looking for, which can improve their overall shopping experience.

Increased sales

Customers who are able to easily find what they are looking for are more likely to make a purchase. A site search function that returns relevant and accurate results can increase the chances of a customer completing a purchase.

Enhanced navigation

Site search can help customers navigate a large or complex website more easily, which can improve the overall usability of the site.

Increased customer retention

A good site search function can help keep customers on the site longer, leading to increased customer retention and loyalty.

better understanding of customer needs

Site search data can provide valuable insights into what customers are looking for and can help companies better understand customer needs and preferences. This information can be used to improve the overall shopping experience and also to drive business strategy.

Advantages of search query optimization

With search query optimization, it is possible to establish a higher degree of eCommerce product search relevance, ensuring customers can find the products they are looking for in the best & quickest manner possible.

It helps connect the business with the customers better, thereby scoring higher in terms of customer advocacy and customer relationship management.

With the help of proper search query optimization, eCommerce businesses can gain more visibility and exposure for their products. Therefore, they won’t have to implement multiple strategies simultaneously, which can be taxing to manage.

Product search query optimization can increase the conversion ratio for eCommerce businesses, converting maximum traffic into prospective leads and increasing the overall business revenue.

Search query optimization helps make the website’s user interface set up well to categorize products. They also use keywords in product names which the customers are searching for.

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