- Tests run as expected in isolation, however they fail in a batch run where they are part of a suite of tests
- Tests fail due to the state of the GUI element; however, inspection shows that the element is present
- Test fail due to causes that cannot be determined, on re-run the tests pass
- Many tests fail due to the same cause
- Automated tests take a long time to execute, more than manual execution of the same set of tests
Increasing the Reliability of Automated Tests
In software testing, test automation is the use of software/tools separate from the software being tested to control the execution of tests and the comparison of actual results with expected results. By using these, we can automate some repetitive but necessary tasks and tests. We can also perform tests that are too complex to perform manually. Automation of tests is critical for continuous delivery and continuous testing in the Agile/DevOps world. Automated tests can be unreliable or flaky due to a variety of reasons. And ensuring reliability is important, especially when the tests are run in the continuous integration and testing cycles so that the entire development process is robust. We all have encountered automated tests whose results are unpredictable, especially GUI tests. Some of the symptoms are the following