Author: Kannan Sundar

  • Best Practices for E-commerce Catalogue Management

    Best Practices for E-commerce Catalogue Management

    In the post Covid era, having a presence in the eCommerce is a necessity for traditional retail commercial outlets. Customers today have multiple choices for online purchasing, and you will need a seamless and personalized experience for the buyers to retain them. This may sound daunting for a business trying to move online from a…

  • How to Outsmart Competitors using Machine Learning

    How to Outsmart Competitors using Machine Learning

    Peter Drucker once said that the true purpose of a business is to create and keep customers. To make customers see value and to keep them loyal to the brand, it is important to increase the perceived value of the brand’s offerings. Recognizing the value of these offerings enables retailers to guide consumers toward better,…

  • Why is Training Data important while building Machine Learning Models

    Why is Training Data important while building Machine Learning Models

    Sometime, by the end of the first decade of the 21st century, we humans were already contributing to machine learning unassumingly. Me and you, along with millions of unsuspecting users worldwide, digitized the entire Google Books archive by the start of 2012. I assure you, I am not fibbing. If you remember, during the early…

  • LiDAR Annotation for ADAS

    LiDAR Annotation for ADAS

    Autonomous driving is an amazing real-world application that has come about with the culmination of advances in various technologies. The first step in this complex system is to perceive the environment, for the complex onboard system in the car to understand what is around it. This perception is achieved by various sensors like Cameras, Ultrasonic,…

  • Human Touch to AI : The Ground Truth Challenge

    Human Touch to AI : The Ground Truth Challenge

    One of the key challenges for a Data Science team is the search for an accurately labelled dataset for solving the given problem. While it is easy to build a basic model that is reasonably accurate for a demo to the business, going beyond it towards a production worthy solution needs gold standard ground truth…

  • Human Touch to AI

    Human Touch to AI

    AI Possibilities Stir a Debate In the history of technology, there are many examples of remarkable breakthroughs that have changed our lives dramatically. Right from the first computer to the arrival of internet and cloud and mobility more recently, the challenges of managing change have stirred up debates and inspired leaders to leverage the opportunities.…